Sunday, November 22, 2015

5 Political Parties

The Democratic  Party-  The Democratic party, also known as the Jacksonian party is the oldest political party to date.  It all started back in 1792 when the party was led by Thomas Jefferson.  Actually the original name for the Democratic party was the Republican party.  The party had limited power, but it was still a political party.  In 1798, The Republicans officially adopted name Democratic-Republican.  In 1832, the Democratic-Republican party was a disaster.  The party decided to split into two parties, the Whig and Democratic party.  During the Civil War, it was the Republican Party who focused on the issue of slavery, not the Democratic Party.  After the Civil War the Northern Democrats split up into two factions because some Democrats supported the Lincoln and some did not.  The names for the supporters of Lincolns were the War Democrats, and the ones who opposed them were called the Copperheads.  Over the years the Democrats and Republicans switched political views, so now basically the Democratic Party cares for the less fortunate and minorities.  The Republican Party focuses on what they can do to better themselves and only themselves.

Philosophy-  The basic philosophy of the Democratic Party is that it is better to be together rather than being on our own.  The Democrats believe that everyone has a fair opportunity to succeed and build what ever they want.  When the country succeeds the people succeeds, when the country fails, the country fails.

Mascot-  The Democratic Donkey first originated in Andrew Jackson's campaign.  Jackson's opponents called him a "jackass" or a donkey.  Jackson used this as an advantage because the donkey is "strong-willed", and Jackson thought as himself to be strong-willed.  From that point forward, the donkey was used to represent the democratic party.

Potential Candidate-  I believe Hillary Clinton is a potential candidate for the Democratic Party because her political philosophy is impacting the largest populated class which is the middle class.  Hillary Clinton was born October 26, 1947 and earned a law degree at Yale University.  She served as the first lady to Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001.  In 2007, Clinton announced that she will try to be the first female President.  She later lost to Democratic Barack Obama.  Though she lost she became the 67th U.S. secretary of state by Senate on January 21, 2009.  Clinton mostly focused on making women's rights and human rights a central talking point.

The Republican Party-  The Republican Party also known as the Grand Ole Party started back in 1792 by Thomas Jefferson.  He would later change the party name to the Democratic-Republican Party, and then later get into a little tussle with the Democratic Party.  The Republicans in the 1850's were against slavery.  Members from the Whig Party, Free Soil Party, and Democratic Party were apart the Republican party.  During the Civil War, President Lincoln was apart of the Republican Party and abolished slavery while in office.  The party would later be known as the party of Lincoln.  After the 1860 election, it was just the Democratic and Republican parties that were prevalent.  It was called the two party system.  In 1964, the Republicans were in complete dismay at there own convention.  They were concern if moderates or conservatives would take over the Presidency.  Lyndon B. Johnson ended up winning the election and becoming President.  Controversy stirred up in the 2000 Presidential election between Al Gore and George W. Bush.  Bush won the election, but Gore had 500,000 popular votes.  Bush won the election because he had more electoral votes than Gore (271-266).  The Republicans took back the office, but in 2008 Democratic Barack Obama became President.

Philosophy-  The philosophy of the Republican Party is to fight for everyone, so that they can have an opportunity to succeed.  They want to fight for everyone's freedom, so that they can achieve the American Dream.

Mascot-  Thomas Nast who is a cartoonist invented the Republican mascot which is the elephant.  The mascot came from a drawing Nast had made and soon was established as the mascot of the Republicans.  The Republicans say that the elephant is strong and dignified.

Potential Candidate-  A potential candidate for the Republican Party would be Ben Carson.  Ben Carson was born September 18, 1951 in Detroit, Michigan.  Ben Carson studied at Yale University and then went to medical school at Johns Hopkins University.  Ben Carson became a neurosurgeon and earned his fame when he separated conjoined twins.  In May 4, 2015 Carson announced that he would be running for President.  Carson stated that he doesn't believe in politics and that wants to do what is right for the Republican Party.

The Green Party-  The Green Party was first launched in May of 1972 at Victoria University.  The first actual Green Party campaign started in 1990.  The Greens became members of a five-party alliance including the NLP, Democrat, Mana Motuhake, and the Liberals.  It wasn't until 1996 when Jeanette Fitzsimons, Rod Donald, and Phillida Bunkle were apart of the Parliament.  Soon after, there were 20 Green representatives at local government level.  In 1997, the Green Party decided to leave the alliance for the 1999 election and become one Party.  The election of the 1999 was horrible for the Green Party.  The Green Party had no money to run their campaign.  Jeanette had to use her own money to see if she can beat Coromandel, and she barely did.  Since 1990, the Green Party has raised awareness, so that they can help the deaf people.  Catherine Delahunty also had a bill passed that allows polluters to dump waste in the waterways.

Philosophy-  The philosophy of the Green Party is that the future of the planet is at risk because of exploitation and reckless damage to the environment.  The Green Party believes that the people should not risk the planet's future by harming the environment.

Logo-  The logo is the earthflower logo for the Green Party.  The logo is all about the people coming together to protect the planet.  The logo represents peace and keeping the planet clean and unharmed for the future.  Keeping the planet clean would mean a better world for the people in it.

Potential Candidate-  A potential candidate for the Green Party is Cynthia McKinney.  McKinney was born on March 17, 1955.  She studied at the University of Southern California and went on to law school at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.  In 1993, McKinney became the first African American woman to be selected in Georgia at the House of Representatives.  In 2008 McKinney tried to run for President, but she could not fulfill her dreams.  Undeterred, she is still apart of the Green Party ready to come back to run for President in 2016.

The American Freedom Party-  The American Freedom Party(AFP) formerly known as the American Third Position(A3P) was founded in 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada by racist skinheads.  The group who founded it was named Freedom 14.  The white nationalist political group created the Golden State Party(GSP) which organized the Web forum Stormfront which was a website that informed people that immigrants should not be allowed in this country.  The GSP was doing well until their leader Tyler Cole was convicted of multiple crimes.  The Freedom 14 members were upset and decided to elect another racist corporate lawyer William Daniel Johnson.  Johnson's philosophy was that every non-white immigrant and U.S. citizen should be deported and never accepted in this country.  In 2010, the A3P began their first public campaign.  The members sent out flyers and emails promoting their party.  They were saying that this party is the future and we need your support.  In 2013, the A3P decided to change their name to the American Freedom Party.  Though the white supremacy group did not win any elections in 2010 they are still working together to become the best party in the country.

Philosophy-  The philosophy of the American Freedom Party is to inform the people of the political interests of White Americans.  This party wants to do without all races except white.  They want to keep this diverse country white and only white.  The party ultimately wants to ban any non-white immigrant from entering in the United States of America.

Logo-  This logo stands for the American Freedom Party.  The logo also stands for white supremacy.

Important Figure-  William D. Johnson is the Chairman of the American Freedom Party.  He went to Brigham Young University and then went to Law school at Columbia University.  Before getting involved in politics, he was a CEO for a Japanese clothing company. In 2010, William D. John decided that he needed to serve his country, and he did by becoming the Chairman of the American Freedom Party.  He states that he values the responsibility of the party and caring for the whites in the United States of America.

The Libertarian Party-  The Libertarian Party was founded on December 11, 1972 by eight activists in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  John Hospers was a philosophy professor at the University of Southern California who was nominated presidential candidate of the party.  In 1988, Ron Paul came in third for the U.S. presidency and received 430,000 votes.  That was almost twice more than any other third party candidate.  In 1994, 40 Libertarians were either elected or appointed.  Also more than 650 Libertarians ran for office to try to stop President Clinton's health care.  2.2 million people voted for Libertarians that year.
In 1996, the Libertarian set another record and became the first third party in U.S. history to earn a vote in all 50 states in two presidential candidate elections in a row.  Over 800 Libertarians ran for office in November.  The Libertarians are becoming well known now in the United States elections and no one is not becoming President, but people are still running for office which is good for them.  In 2013, 18 Libertarians were re-elected and by the end of the year 149 Libertarians were holding elected offices.

Philosophy-  The political philosophy for Libertarians are that they plan to seek freedom of choice for the people of this country.  Liberal means free, so that is what the Libertarians are trying to get at.

Logo-  The Libertarian logo is the the Libertarian porcupine.  The porcupine was created by Kevin Breen of the Libertarian Party Social Media Team in 2006.  This replaced the Libertarian Statue of Liberty logo.  The porcupine symbolizes the libertarianism way which is goes unnoticed in the public. 

Potential Candidate-  Derrick Michael Reid is a 2016 potential candidate for President of the United States.  He was born June 30, 1954.  Reid went to Western State University and the University of California.  Before he decided to run for President in 2016, he was an educational instructor for forty-five years.  Reid was also an electronic engineer.  Reid began to get into politics in 2012, and began making speeches about he individual liberty and states' right over the authority of the government.  He also is a very religious person and has made several speeches about adultery, abortion, incest, murder, and homosexuality.


Monday, November 16, 2015

5 Political Views

Abortion:  I believe that abortion is an important topic in today's culture because women are still doing it each and everyday.  I believe it should be focused on today because in my opinion abortion is murder.  Murder is "unlawful killing of a human being."  Instead of killing the baby, I believe that the government should help the mother of the unborn child in any way shape or form.  Whatever the mother asks of the government to do for them, I believe the government should be for them.  I understand what the mother is going through if she has been raped, but to take an unborn child's life is not right at all and isn't fair to the little one.

Democratic View:  The Democratic Party's view on abortion is that no matter what the cost of the abortion, the mother should have the right to have a safe and legal abortion.  The Democrats believe that abortion is the woman's choice between her family, her doctor, and her clergy.  The Democrats also support the women with affordable health care plans and access to caring adoption programs.

Republican View:  The Republican Party's view on abortion is that an unborn child like any other human in this country, has the right to live and should not be affected by anyone.  The Republicans also believe that the fourteenth amendment applies not just to the people of the U.S., but the unborn children as well.  The Republicans like myself, supports an amendment that cares for the unborn children.

American Freedom Party View:  The American Freedom Party's view on abortion is that they think abortion is wrong and are wondering why it hasn't been illegal now.  Of course this party only cares about the white moms because they are a white supremacy group.  

Libertarian Party View:  The Libertarians believe that the government shouldn't get involved on what the mother should do with her child.  They believe that it is not anyone's concern, not even the governments.  The Libertarians are strong believers in keeping abortion legal, and I don't plan on changing their views.

Green Party View:  The Green Party believes that it is a woman's right to control their bodies, and should not be influenced by anyone else.  The government should have no say on what the woman should do with their unborn child.  The Green Party wants to keep abortion safe and legal.

Civil Rights:  Civil Rights is important to me because today minorities are still being oppressed and shut out still sixty years after the Civil Rights movement.  Civil Rights ensures that no matter what race you are or the color of your skin that you have the right to go to any bathroom, store, restaurant, workplace, and not be denied service or racially profiled.  The government should do its best to make sure that racism is not present in any shape or form in this country.  I also believe that gay marriage should not be legalized, but it is. :(

Democratic View: The Democrats believe that racial profiling is wrong and that demeaning people because of their race is wrong.  The Democrats also believe that no one should face racial discrimination based on their disability.  The Democrats are trying to persuade the government to give 100,000 federal jobs to the minorities.

Republican View:  The Republicans believe that gay marriage should not be allowed in this country.  They believe that marriage should be with a man and woman, not two men or two women.  The Republicans also believe that if you are a homosexuality male or female, you should not be able to join the military.

American Freedom Party View:  The American Freedom Party believes that all of the hatred and discrimination against gay marriage should end.  They believe that it doesn't matter who loves each other, as long as they are in love it shouldn't matter who they marry or date.

Libertarian View:  The Libertarians believe that it is okay for businesses to deny services to gay married people.  They believe that if it is their own business than they should be able to serve the gay people.  Libertarians also believe that gay marriage should be legal even themselves do not approve of it.

Green Party View:  The Green Party does not discriminate anyone of any race.  They actually appreciate diversity in marriage and in the workforce.  The Green Party supports all equal rights of all persons on civil marriage.

Health Care:  To me health care is important because when I get older and get a job, I am gonna want health care, so if something happens to me I can pay the medical bills without stressing out my family.  I believe that if someone cannot afford health care the government should ensure them health care no matter what their annual salary is.  

Democratic View:  The Democrats believe that no one should go broke because of something that happened to them.  They also believe that they should have affordable health care, and that should not have to worry about going bankrupt and hurting their family.  I totally agree with the Democrats on this view.

Republican View:  The Republicans think that Obamacare is hurting the constitution.  They believe that it was never really about health care, and that it was disastrous to the government.  The Republicans claim that Barack Obama just wanted power and wanted to have control over the sixth of the population.

American Freedom Party View:  The American Freedom Party believes that everyone should live a long healthy life.  They believe that everyone despite their annual salary should receive affordable health care.

Green Party View: The Green Party wants the government to aim at the Universal Single-Payer Health care.  They want everyone in the United States to have their health care and wants the government to fund the health care given to the people.  They also want the people to have the best medicine, so that they won't get sick.

Libertarian View:  The Libertarians want to get rid of Obamacare and want to replace with it a better and make a free market health care system.  They also believe that the government should not be involved in the health care business at all.  The more they are not involved then the better it would be for the people.

Crime:  Crime is important to me because I do not want this already corrupt world to get any worse than it already is with the crime rates steady going up.  I believe the government should crack down on gangs and prevent them from stirring up any trouble and teaching our future on how to kill and sell drugs.  If this country didn't have crimes it would be peaceful, but sadly that is not the case today. 

Democratic View:  The Democrats want to have more community police, so that they can prevent anymore crimes from happening.  They also believe that harsher punishments should be enforced, even the death penalty.  They want to crack down on the gangs and stop them from moving drugs throughout the country.

Republican View:  The Republicans support the death penalty one-hundred percent.  They believe it is necessary that if someone did a horrible crime than they deserve the death penalty.  They think if the criminals are behind bars then the public will be safe from any harm.

American Freedom Party View: The American Freedom Party believes that everyone has the right to bear arms.  They believe that they cannot stop someone from starting up a gang war because of the second amendment which states you have the right to bear arms.

Green Party View:  The Green Party does not approve of the death penalty, and they want to abolish it completely.  They would also want to inform communities of what to do when they see a crime being committed.  I agree with the Green Party on this.  I believe every community should required to know the procedures of what to do if they see a crime being committed.

Libertarian View:  The Libertarians are safe saying that they allow drugs, gambling, and alcohol.  They feel like you cannot really tell someone they need to stop doing drugs or gamble because it would be too much of a hassle to begin with.  They believe that they should do whatever they want.

Immigration:  Immigration is important to me because I want anyone who feels like coming to America to have a better life should be able to enter if, and only if they do it legally.  I feel like the government should crack down on who comes in here legally or legally by having annually checks of people who have citizenship to live here. 

Democratic View:  The Democrats believe that the government should protect immigrants from any exploitation from employers.  They believe if they protect the rights of the immigrants than they can actually get legal citizenship to live in the United States of America.

Republican View:  The Republicans believe that the government should fund biometric data to better track the foreigners.  This would ensure that anyone who comes into this country will have a reason to be here.  They also believe that only legal immigrants should be allowed into this country.  

American Freedom Party View:  The American Party Party believes that the United States never wanted to be overwhelmed by immigrants.  They believe they should set up a really good defense that prevents any Mexican immigrants to cross the border down in the south.  

Green Party View:  The Green Party believes that non citizens should be given the opportunity to become citizens.  They believe they should have the right to get citizenship if they have social security card.  Once they have this than they can become a citizen of the United States of America.

Libertarian View:  The Libertarians believe that the government should eliminate all restrictions on immigrants.  Once this happens then it should be easy for the immigrants to become citizens.  They also welcome all refugees inside of this beautiful country.  

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Political Quiz Results

Political Quiz Results

personalised chart

cartesian plane with horizontal left-right axis and vertical authoritarian-libertarian axis

I was very surprised by the results.  I haven't even heard of these people, and it says I am like them.  I don't understand.  I would have expected me to be a liberal, but I guess I am a conservative.  I learned a lot from these quizzes.  I learned that I am a conservative, but in reality I'm a liberal.  

Monday, November 9, 2015

Works Cited

“Democratic Party | Political Party, United States.” Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia 
Works Cited
Britannica, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>
“The History Of The Green Party.” The History of The Green Party. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>
“History Of the GOP.” GOP. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>
“Immigration - American Freedom Party.” American Freedom Party RSS. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>
“Libertarian Porcupine | The Home of the Libertarian Porcupine Mascot!” Libertarian Porcupine. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>
“OnTheIssues.Org - Candidates on the Issues.” - Candidates on the Issues. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>
“Our History.” Libertarian Party. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>
“Party Platform | American Freedom Party.” American Freedom Party RSS. Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>
“Www.Gp.Org.” Web. 23 Nov. 2015. <>